Jumat, 27 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran ini, pertama kita akan membahas tentang apa yang dapat kita lakukan atau kita kerjakan, dan kedua tentang apa yang harus kita lakukan atau kerjakan.
Dalam perpustakaan umum, rupanya seorang pengunjung mendapat kesukaran tak dapat mencapai/menjangkau buku yang diinginkan, karena buku itu letaknya terlalu tinggi karena ada di rak bagian atas (on the top shelf) bukan di rak bagian bawah (on the bottom shelf).
Pr. : Oh dear, I can't reach that book
Lk. : Where?
Pr. : eh.. on the top shelf. Can you reach it?
Lk. : No, no, it's hard.
        Just a minute. Yes, I can, just reach it. Oh, here you are
Pr. : Oh, that isn't it. I don't want that book. I want the red one next to it (buku yang merah yang terletak di
        sebelah buku ini)
can = dapat, can't = tidak dapat. I can reach it, I can't reach it.
Can you reach it? Yes I can (reach it)
Can you reach it? No, I can't (reach it)
Can you swim?
Can you drive?
Can you dance?
Can you fly a plane?
Can you speak English? (= Dapatkah saudara bicara dalam bahasa Inggris?, atau Dapatkah saudara berbahasa Inggris?)
Penggunaan kata can dalam arti yang berbeda, ketika orang belajar mengemudikan mobil
Lk.1 : oh dear, I want to turn left. Can I turn left here?
Lk.2 : No, you can't. You must go straight on
Lk.1 : Where can I turn? Can I turn here?
Lk.2 : Yes, you can. You can turn this street!
Can : sesuatu yang dapat (menunjukkan kemampuan) kita lakukan. I can swim, I can dance, I can drive
Can : sesuatu yang boleh kita lakukan, I can turn left
must = harus, nustn't = tak boleh dilakukan
Kita akan mencegah/mengurangi seseorang dalam hal merokok
Pramugari sedang bercakap-cakap dengan penumpang pesawat
Pramugari : Excuse me
Penumpang : Yes
Pramugari : You musn't smoke
Penumpang : Sorry
Pramugari : The No Smoking Sign's On (tanda larangan merokok yang diihidupkan dengan listrik)
                   You must put out your cigarrete (put out = mematikan)
Can I smoke? No, you can't
No, you musn't (lebih menekankan bahwa hanya itu yang tidak boleh dilakukan)
Lk. : Oh, excuse me, Can I smoke?
Pr. : No, you musn't
Lk. : Oh, dear
Lk. : Must I put out ny cigarrete?
Pr. : Yes you must
Lk. : Must I buy a ticket?
Pr, : Yes, you must

Senin, 23 Mei 2011


Dalam pembelajaran VI ini kita akan meneruskan pembelajaran V, yang berfokus pada menyebutkan barang-barang baik yang bisa dihitung maupun tidak bisa dihitung.
Peter membeli apel. Did you buy any apple? I bought some
eating apple
cooking apple
China tea
Indian tea
Sue : Did you get any apple? Here you are!
Sue : Did you buy any tea?
Peter : Yes, I bought some
Sue : Here it is. What about tea? Did you buy any?
rice = nasi
bread = roti
a loaf of bread = sepotong roti
four loafs
ten loafs
Peter, that's China Tea. I want Indian tea and the rice and some cooking apple.
Did you buy  a loaf? Yes  bought one
a loaf, a large loaf, not a small loaf
Did you buy any bread?
Yes, I bought some
a loaf, dapat dihitung
bread, fruit, tidak dapat dihitung
apples, oranges, bananas, dapat dihitung.

Did you buy any fruit?
   Yes, I bouht some
   No, I didn't any
Did you buy an orange?
   Yes, I bought one
Baggage : beags, treassure, boxes
Did you have any luggage?
Do you have a key?
Yes, I have one
Furniture : beds, tables,chairs
Did you buy any furniture?
   Yes, I bougth some
some fruit
some luggage
some furniture


Dalam Pembelajaran IV ini kita akan membicarakan pekerjaan/kegiatan rutin pada hari-hari tertentu di setiap minggunya.Berikut ini contoh percakapan :
Serra  : On Tuesdays I study music.
David : On Sudays I clean the car.
Serra  : On Fridays I go to the cinema. 

David : On Saturdays I watch sport on teve.
On Tuesdays = every Tuesday, on Sundays = every Sunday, on Fridays = every Friday, on Saurdays = every Saturday.
Kita akan mendengarkan wawancara radio dengan seorang warga Inggris yang tidak punya pekerjaan.
Pewawancara (Radio) : What's your life like? 
Franks                        : Boring. I get up at 7 every morning.
Pewawancara (Radio) : Yes.
Franks                        : I wash!, I dress!, then I make a cup of tea.
Pewawancara (Radio) : Right.
Franks                        : And I sit down and read the paper.
Pewawancara (Radio) : Ehm,
Franks                        : Every Friday and Friday, I go to the job centre. (the job centre = kantor yang
                                     mengurus orang-orang yang tidak punya pekerjaan)

Pewawancara (Radio) : Right! What do you do in the afternoon?
Franks                        : Not much. I watch sport on teve at 7 o'clock every Sunday.
wash = mencuci, dress = berpakaian
Bagaimana kehidupan anda....in the morning on Friday, .... in the afternoon on Sunday, in the evening on Monday.
Serra  : Are you married, Frank?
Frank : Yes, I am.
Serra  : What about your wife? Does she have a job?
Frank : Yes, but she works at night
Serra  : What does she do?
Frank : She's a nurse. She works at the hospital

Serra : So, do you do the house work? (the house work = pekerejaan rumah tangga)
Frank : Well, I do the shopping and clean the house work. My wife works, then she does the washing.                                                                                            


Di kantor arsitek, seseorang (pria=P) mencari pensil, dengan bertanya kepada sekretarisnya seorang wanita (W).
P   : Do you have my pencil?
W : No.
P  : I can't find it.
W : Is it on the floor?
P  : No, it isn't on the floor. I can't find it.
W : on the table?
P  : No, it isn't on the table.
W : Under the table, on the floor, first floor, second floor, third floor?Let's unpack the boxes, glasses,vases, records
P  : Okey. This one has glasses in it. What's this?, so...........................................

A : What do you want then?
B : Vases. Put them (vases) on to the table!
     Records. Put them into the cupboard!
     The cupboard is full. It has the glasses.
     Take the glasses out of the cupboard, and put the records in (into) it!
In = into
On = Onto, Put them on (onto) the floor.
draw = laci, pocket = saku.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XXV ini kita akan bersama-sama mengenal beberapa nama waktu untuk yang akan datang. Dalam Pembelajaran yang sudah pernah diajarkan kepada kita bagaimana menyatakan tentang apa yang dapat kita lakukan di waktu mendatang, contoh : I'm going to write a letter, I'm going to watch teve. Adapun nama-nama waktui yang akan hita pelajari yaitu seperti besok, minggu depan, dsb.
Kita mulai dengan kata-kata yang berarti hari ini, yakni Today.
Hario ini tanggal 1 Juni = It's June the fost today = Today's June the first
Jadi kalau saat ini tanggal 1 Juni, maka tomorrow is June the second
Misalnya hari ini hari Senin, the day after tomorrow is wednesday
Dalam percakapan berikut, seorang bisnisman atau usahawan akan membicarakan tentang apa yang akan dia lakukan dalam minggu mendatang. Dia orang yang begitu penting dan sibuk, sehingga tidak dapat mengingat apa rencananya atau apa yang akan dia lakukan. Utuk itu dia mempunyai seorang sekretaris yang selalu memperingatkannya mengenai apa yang akan dilakukannya,
Lk. : Mrs. Jones!
Pr. : Yes, Mr. Wood
Lk. : What's in my diary?
Pr. : Well, today. That's Monday the twenty first you're going to meet Mr. Green
Lk. : When?
Pr. : At three o'clock this afternoon
Lk. : Right. And tomorrow?
Pr. : ehm... tomorrow morning, you're going to fly to New York
Lk. : eh New York?
Pr. : Yes, you're going to be in New York, the day after tomorrow. Then, on third day you're going to Los Angeles
Bisnismn tadi bertanya apakah yang tertulis di buku harian
1. Anda akan pergi menjumpai Mr. Green
2. Today, this afternoon (hari ini, nanti siang), bukan today afternoon
pagi ini = this morning
malam ini = this evening
Today, that's Monday, the twenty first, you're going to fly to New York. When?
besuk pagi = tomorrow norning
hari ini (pagi ini = this morning, siang ini = this afternoon, malam ini = this evening)
besok (tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening.
Satu hal lagi yang penting jangan lupa menuliskan nama hari kita dengan memakai on, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday
I'm going to phone him on Thursday. Ingat! kata-kata on tidak dipakai pada today, tomorrow atau the day after tomorrow
I'm going to phone him today/tomorrow/the day after tomorrowSekarang kita beralih pada nama-nama waktu seperti day = hari
1 (satu) minggu = a week
1 (satu) bulan = a month
1 (satu) tahun = a year
1 (satu) jam = an hour
2 (dua) jam = two hours
5 (lima) jam = fiove hours
Dalam percakapan berikut, 2 (dua) orang membicarakan tentang hari libur (holiday) mereka.
Listen carefully!
Lk. : Are you having holiday this year? = Apa anda mempunyai rencana berlibur tahun ini
Pr, : Yes, we are
Lk. : oh, where are you going? Akan pergi kle mana? apa yang akan terjadi di waktu mendatang
Pr. : To Thailand
Lk. : Thailand. How Long are you staying there?
Pr. : Three weeks
Lk. : And when are you going?
Pr. : next month
Lk. : Lucky you! (Untung benart anda)
this year = tahun ini, next year = tahun depan/berikutnya
Where are you going to go? Ke mana saudara akan pergi
Ketika anda sudah memutuskan akan pergi sudah dapat tiket dan pesan hotel, maka pertanyaan paling pas adalah Where are you going?
I'm going to phone John this evening ( Saya akan menelpon John malam ini)
I'm phoning John this evening (Saya sudah janjian/kencan untuk menelpon John malam ini)
Kalau anda ragu-ragu pakailah going to, going to phone
Wanita (dan keluarganya) dalam percakapan tersebut akan pergi ke aMuangthai atau Thailand. Kapan mereka akan pergi? Next month
How long are you staying there? = Berapa lama/waktu anda akan tinggal di sana?
How far? berapa jauh
Three weeks, kemudian yang bertanya agak iri : lucky you!
Seorang perempuan menanyakan tentang rencana liburan temannya
Pr. : What about you?
Lk. : We're having holiday next week
Pr. : oh, where are you going?
Lk. : to my mother's (ke rumah ibu saya)
Pr. : how long are you staying there?
Lk. : a month
Masih ingatkah saudara my mother's house disingkatt menjadi my mother's

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XXIV ini kita akan mendengarkan/membaca contoh-contoh kalimat tanya seperti berikut (saat kita bicara di telpon misalnya)
Kring............................................ kring ...........................................kring ....................................................
Lk. (Max) : Hello!
Pr.            : Is that Max?
Lk. (Max) : Yes, it is, kalau ternyata bukan Max yang menjawab pada telpon, maka jawabannya cukup No, it isn't.
Pr.            : This is Sue
Kita tidak bisa bertanya melalui telpon secara langsung : Are you Max?, melainkan harus dengan Is that Max?
Seorang wanita pergi menjemput seorang tamu di stasiun kereta api, tetapi ia tak tahu atau belum pernah kenal wajah tamu tersebut. Sebelum bertemu, mereka berkomunikasi via telpon.
Kring ...........kring..............kring..............kring
Pr. : Hello!
Lk. : Hello! Is that Sue?
Pr. : Yes it is
Lk. : This is David Lee
Pr. : Oh, hello! 
Lk. : I'm waiting at the station
Pr. : Good. How can I recognize you?
Lk. : I'm wearing a green coat and I'm carrying a small black case

Kring ...........kring..............kring..............kring
Pr. : Hello!
Lk. : Hello! Is that Sue?
Pr. : Yes 
Lk. : This is David Lee (suara di telpon kurang jelas terdengar)
Pr. : Sorry, who is it?
Lk. : David Lee
Pr. : Oh, hello!
Lk. : I'm waiting at the station
Pr. : Sorry, where are you waiting?
Lk. : I'm waiting at the station
Bila pembicaraan dalam telpon dirasa masih kurang jelas gunakan kata sorry untuk menanyakan kembali kejelasannya.
Pr. : How can I recognize you?
Lk. : I'm wearing a green coat
Pr. : Sorry, What are you wearing?
Lk. : a green coat and I'm carrying a small black case
Pr. : Sorry, what are you carrying?
Lk. : a small black case
Kring-kring (2X)
Pr. : Hello 2568007 (Two five six eight double o seven)
Lk. : Hello! Is that Cafe?
Pr. : Who are you phoning?
Lk. : Cafe Line?
Pr. : I'm sorry. There is no Cafe Line here. You have the wrong number
Who are you visiting?
Who are you photograping?
Kring-kring (2X)
Pr. : Hello 24680451
Lk. : Hello, is that British Rail?
Pr. : Yes, who do you want? = ya, dengan siapa anda mau bicara?
Who's phoning him? = Siapa yang menelponnya?
Who're you phoning? Siapakah yang anda telpon?
Ketika seorang istri sedang ditelpon oleh saudara perempuannya (her sister), karena suaminya pencemburu  sang suami selalu bertanya Who are you phoning?
Istri : hello
Her sister : hello, how are you?
Suami : Marry, who are you phoning?
Istri : zzzeet......
        Yes, on saturday about three o'clock
Suami : Who are you phoning?!
Istri : My sister.

Kring-2 (2X)
Istri : Hello!
Mam : Oh, hello, how are you?
Suami : Is that ........?
Istri : Yes. On Saturday about three o'clock
Suami : Who is it? Who's phoning you?
Istri : Yes, at the station.
Istri : Okey
Suami : Marry, who's phoning you?
Istri : My mother
.      : I'm waiting at the statiom

Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XXIII, kita akan membicarakan suatu hal yang selalu menjadi pokok pembicaraan orang Inggris yaitu mengenai cuaca.
Ketika seorang laki-laki (Lk.) akan berangkat ke tempat pekerjaannya, ia mengeluh sambil menengok ke atas.
Lk. : Oh, dear!
Pr. : What's the matter? (Ada apa/apakah yang anda khawatirkan?)
Lk. : It's rainning. I need my umbrella
snow - snowing, It's snowing (bila salju turun)
It's windy (cuaca berangin)
It's cloudy (cuaca berawan)
It's sunny (cuaca dengan banyak sinar matahari)
It's rainning (now)
It's rainy in spring
It's snowy in winter in Britain
Pada saat salju turun : Look! It's snowing
Pada pembelajaran yang lalu, kita telah membicarakan apa yang sedang terjadi sekarang. I'm driving to London Airport
autumn = musim gugur
winter = musim dingin
It's warm in summer
on Monday, on Sunday, at ten o'clock, in (the) summer
It's cold in winter
It's windy in autmn (banyak angin)
Di musim semi, biasanya banyak hujan. It's wet in spring
Jika kita membicarakan minuman/kamar/cuaca, bisa dengan COLD
It's very cloudy. It's very windy
Pr. : Lovely weather, isn't it?
Lk. : Yes, it is
Pr. : It's very warm today
Lk. : Yes ............................................................ too.
It's cold
It's warm
It's hot
It's windy
It's cloudy
It's sunny
It's snowing.
It's rainning
musim semi = spring
musim panas = summer (panas udara dan cuacanya)
Pembicaraan antara kedua orang yang baru bangun tidur (pagi hari)
Lk. : Friday?
Pr. : Today?
Lk. : Is it Friday today?
Pr. : Tes, it is. What's the weather like?
Lk. : The sun's shinny (It's shinny}.
Penggunaan isn't it yang berikut ini mengharapkan orang yang diajak bicara sependapat dengannya.
Lk. : (It's) Terrible weather, isn't it? = Cuaca sangat buruk, bukan?
Lk1 : Yes, it is
Lk. : very cold today?
Lk1 : Yes
Lk   : And it's cloudy too, and windy. Oh, dear ................................................
Lk1 : What's the matter?
Lk. : Now, it's rainning, and I need my umbrella.

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011


I eat dengan I'm eating, I read dengan I'm reading..
Berikut percakapan tentang pekerjaan seseorang.
Pr. : What do you do?
Lk. : I'm a pilot (seorang penerbang)
What do you do? berbeda dengan How do you do? Yang pertama menanyaakn tentang profesi/pekerjaan, sedangkan yang kedua dipakai untuk memperkenalkan diri atau kita diperkenalkan oleh orang lain.
Pr. : What do you do?
Lk. I fly plane

Lk. : What do you do?
Pr. : I'm a teacher, or I teach in a school
Berbagai profesi/pekerjaan, yakni : a singer (seorang penyanyi), a driver (seorang sopir), a taxi driver (seorang sopir taksi)
write diucapkan sama dengan right, a writter = seorang penulis, I'm a writer, I write books, I'm a cleaner, I clean offices
Seorang sopir taksi menceritakan sedikit tentang kehidupannya.
I'm a driver. Idrive a taxi in London. I work from one o'clock in thje afternoon to ten in the evening.
It's three o'clock, I'm driving to London Airport.
It's four o'clock, I'm driving along Oxford Street
It's five o'clock, I'm driving a woman to the Virginia Station
It's six o'clock. Now, I'm waiting at the Ritz Hotel
It's seven o'clock. I'm driving a man to the theatre.
I drive, berarti saya selalu/sering mengemudi.
I read a lot (pada waktu senggang). Saat ini, I'm reading the paper. Dia merokok, John (he) smokes. Saat ini kita melihat John's smoking
I'm a driver. I drive a taxi. I'm not driving at now. I'm cleaning my car (it).
Hobi : watching birds /melihat burung
Seekor burung bertengger di atas pohon
Lk. : There it is
Pr. : It's very small
Lk. : Yes
Pr. : And it isn't singing
Lk. : oh, it doesn't sing in the day. It sings at night (menunjukkan apa yang selalu/ajeg terjadi)
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night X in the day
Don't forget to follow Pembelajaran XXIII

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XXI ini kita akan berbicara tentang ruang/kamar di rumah.
Seorang istri ingin mengetahui keberadaan suaminya, David
Istri : David? David? David? Where are you?
Suami : I'm in the sitting room
Istri : What're you doing?
Suami : I'm reading
the sitting room = kamar/ruang tamu
Istri : David? David? Where are you?
Suami : I'm in the home
the home = ruang kecil di sebelah dalm pintu masuk
Istri : Where are you?
Suami : I'm in the dinning room
Istri : What're you doing?
Suami : I'm eating

Keadaan kita pada suatu saat
the kitchen = dapur, cook = memasak
Istri : Where are you?
Suami : I'm in the kitchen
Istri :What're you doing?
Suami : I'm cooking
I'm happy = saya merasa  bahagia, I'm reading = saya sedang membaca, I'm tired = saya lelah, I'm phoning = saya sedang menelpon
What is she doing? She's washing, she's in the bathroom. He's watching teve
Pr.1 : A noise in the sitting room?
Pr.2 : John is
Pr.1 : What's he doing?
Pr.2 : He's watching teve

Pr.1 : A noise in the bathroom?
Pr.2 : John is
Pr.1 : What's he doing?
Pr.2 : He's washing
Dalam film Amerika Serikat, sebuah mobil polisi mengejar mobil lain dengan kedua orang pria di dalamnya bersenjata/GUN). Seorang dari polisi pengejar melalui radio komunikasi memberitahukan laporannya ke kantor polisi tentang apa yang sedang terjadi
Pol.1 : Hullo! This is car number 396
Pol.2  Follow car 396
Pol.1 : We're following a car. There are two armed men in it
Pol.2 : Okey 396. Where are you?
Pol.1 : We're going along Wood Street
Pol.2 : Right, Wood Street
Pol.1 : Hello, this is 396. They're turning left
Pol.2 : Okey
Pol.1 : They're going along Park Street. Now, they're turning right. Hello!
Pol.2 : Yes
Pol.1 : They're stopping. They're stopping in front of the bank
Pol.2 : 396? Hello! 396? 396? Are you all right?
Pol.1 : Yes
Pol.2 : What're the men doing?
Pol.1 : eh ..... carrying money
Pol.2 : Money? They're carrying money out of the bank
Pol.1 : No. They're carrying money into the bank
Dengan kata lain mobil yang dikejar bukan rombongan penjahat, tetapi sebagai pendamping/pengawal kiriman uang ke bank.
Don't forget the lesson to PEMBELAJARAN XXII.


I. Apa Yang Dapat Kita Lakukan Pada Waktu Senggang
Do you watch television?
Do you play records? (Apakah kamu memutar/memainkan kaset/piringan hitam?)
Do you play music? (Apkah kamu memainkan suatu alat musik?)
television tida bisa menggunakan a maupun the, music tidak bisa menggunakan some, sport tidak perlu memakai a maupun the.
Do you play tennis?
Do you play football?
II. Apa Yang Kita Sukai Maupun Tidak Kita Sukai
Do you like television?, Do you like music?, Do you like football?, Do you like tennis?
cinema = bioskop, theatre = teater
Do you like the cinema? Saudara suka melihat film di bioskop?
Do you go to the cinema? ditekankan pada pertunjukannya
The teathre = pertunjukan yang dipentaskan di teater
a cinema = gedung/tempat pertunjukan film
a theatre = gedung/tempat pertunjukan teater
the cinema = film yang dipertunjukkan di gedung bioskop
Lk. : And now, a big welcome for British film star, Winston Drick.
         Winston, welcome to this program
        Winston, What do you do in your spare time?
W. : Well, lawyer, hem! I watch teve a lot
Lk. : How interesting! (Sungguh menarik!). What program do you like?
W. : I like films. and I like Quiz Program very much
a lot = banyak, sering. I watch teve a lot. Kata much/very much digunakan dalam hal yang berbeda dengan kata a lot. I like teve very much, dan I watch teve a lot.
Apkah kesukaan Winston Drick? Apakah yang ia baca?
Paper = surat kabar
Lk. : What else do you do, Winston?
W. : aaah ..... I'm
Lk. : Do you read ....... how interesting? What book do you read?
W. : eh, every books much
Lk. : What do you read them?
W. : The paper
I don't read books much X I read books a lot
Do you read books much?
Yes, I read a lot
No, I don't read much
Do you watch teve much?
Yes, I watch teve a lot
No, I don't watch teve much
Do you go to the theatre much?
Yes, I go to the theatre  a lot
No, I don't go to the theatre much
Lk. : Do you like music, Winston?
W. : Yes, I do
Lk. : What kind of music? Do you like pop music?
W. : Yes, of course. I quite like pop music(quite = benar-benar)
Lk. : And how about classical music?
W. : No, I don't like classical music much
Sangat menyukai :
I like music very much
I quite like music (Saya cukup suka musik)
I don't like music
teve, reading, music
Lk. : Oh, which sport do you like? Eh, tennis?
W. : No, I  don't like tennis much
Lk. : And football?
W. : Yes, I like football very much
Lk. : How interesting! So, you play football a lot!
W. : No, but  I don't play football, I watch it
Do you read much?
Yes, I read a lot
Yes, I read quite lot
Do you watch teve much?
Yes, I watch a lot
Yes, I watch quite a lot
Do you play tennis much?
Yes, I play tennis a lot
Yes, I play tennis quite a lot
Do you go to the cinema much?
Yes, I go to the cinema a lot
Yes, I go to the cinema quite a lot
Don't forget to follow the next 'Pembelajaran' (Pembelajaran XXI)

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XIX ini, kita akan menyebutkan terlebih dahulu nama-nama hari dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu : Sunday (Minggu), Monday, Tuesgay, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Berikut ini seseorang yang baru saja kembali ke kantornya (tugas luar), lalu ia bertanya kepada sekretarisnya.
Pesan I
Lk. : Other any massages?
Pr. : Yes, please phone Mr. Green on Thursday
Lk. : Right, I'll phone him on Thursday
Pr. : Please phone Mr. Green at ten o'clock
Cara yang lebih sopan kalau kita meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu
Could you please open the door?
Could you please close the door?
Could you please open the window?
Could you please close the window?
Dia setuju untuk menelpon Mr. Green (him (ia) = kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki) : Right, I'll phone him on Thursday.
Pesan II
Lk. : Other any massages?
Pr. : Yes. Could you please phone Mrs. Green?
Lk. : Right. I'll phone her on Friday. Her (ia) = kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal perempuan, seringkali diucapkan tanpa tekanan.
Pesan III
Lk. : Other any massages?
Pr. : Yes. Could you please phone Mr. and Mrs. White?
Lk. : Right, I'll phone them on Monday. Them (mereka) = kata ganti orang ketiga jamak

Pr. : Could you please phone Mr. Black?
Lk. : Right, I'll phone him

Pr. : Could you please phone Mrs. White?
Lk. : Right, I'll phone her

Pr. : Could you please phone Pet and Toni?
Lk. : Right, I'll phone them

Pada waktu ia menelpon Mr. Green pada hari Kamis, ia memakai kata meet (bertemu) yang diucapkan sama dengan kata meat (daging)
Lk. : Mr. Green. We need to meet
MG : Yes.
Lk. : When?
MG : Could you meet me on Monday at three o'clock?
Lk. : Right, I'll meet you there. Where?
MG. : At my office
Lk. : Right

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011


Berikut ini percakapan antara 2 (dua) orang karyawan toko yang sedang memeriksa persediaan barang makanan yang masih tersedia karena mereka perlu mencegah sedikit barang yang tinggal.
Pr. : How many eggs do we have?
Lk. : ehm.. about thirty boxes
Pr. : We don't need more eggs
Lk. : No
Pr. : How much milk do we have?
Lk. : Let's see, about forty bottles
Pr. : Right. We don't need more milk
need = memerlukan, more = lebih banyak, about = kurang lebih
We have a lot of eggs
We have a lot of milk
A lot of bisa dipakai untuk barang yang tidak dapat dihitung atau Uncountable Noun, milk misalnya, maupun untuk barang yang dapat dihitung atau Countable Noun, egg misalnya.
a box of eggs
a bottle of milk
a lot of biscuits
a lot of tomatoes
a lot of sugar
Percakapan Kedua sebagai berikut :
Pr. : Do we need more biscuits? How many do we have?
Lk. : ehm ..... We don't have many biscuits? Only five packets
Pr. : Right, so we need biscuits. Now, tea?
Lk. : We don't have much tea (mempunyai sedikit teh). Only seven packets
Pr. : Okey, tea. How about coffee?
Lk. : That's all right.We have a lot of  coffee
Pr. : And sugar?
Lk. : Let's see. Now, we don't have much sugar. We need more sugar.
Apakah yang akan mereka pesan? Biskuit, teh, dan gula
Pr. : How much tea do we have?
Lk. : We don't have much tea
Pr. : How much sugar do we have?
Lk. : We don't have much sugar.
Pertanyaan tentang berapa banyak benda/barang yang dapat dihitung dengan how many, sedangkan untuk yang tak dapat dihitung dengan how much. Demikan pula untuk kalimat berita/jawabnya..
How much sugar
How many eggs
We have a lot of eggs X We don't have many eggs
We don't have much sugar
We don't have many eggs
Pemerintah Inggris mengadakan survei tentang kebiasaan makan Keluarga/Orang Inggris. Apakah yang paling banyak dimakan oleh keluarga Orang Inggris. Untuk mengetahui apakah mereka mereka mempunyai kebiasaan makan yang baik, cocok dan bergizi.
Pr. : Tony, what do you eat? Do you eat much meat?
Lk. : Yes we eat a lot of meat
Pr. : How about fish?
Lk. : No, we don't eat much fish
Pr. : Do you eat much bread?
Lk. : Yes, we eat a lot
Pr. : ehm. and egg? Do you eat many eggs?
Lk. : No we don't eat many
Pr. : How about tea and coffee? Do you drink much coffee?
Lk. : No, we don't drink much
Pr. : And tea?
Lk. : oh, yes. We drink a lot of tea.
eat = makan/memakan, drink = minum/meminum
Do you drink much tea?
Do you drink much coffee?
Kebiasaan orang/keluarga Inggris
We eat a lot of meat
We eat a lot of bread
Bagaimana dengan ikan dan telur
We don't eat much fish
We don't eat many eggs
Jawaban Yes, gunakan a lot
Jawaban No, gunakan much atau many
Dalam bentuk pertanyaan :
Do you eat much meat? = Do you eat a lot of meat?
Do you eat many eggs? = Do you eat a lot of eggs?
Yang lebih baik/lazim digunakan yang pertama
eggs : Do you eat many eggs?
meat : Do you eat much meat?
biscuits : Do you eat many biscuits?
tomatoes : Do you eat many tomatoes?
bread : Do you eat much bread?
butter : Do you eat much butter?
Thok ...thok..thok (menegetuk pintu)
Pr. : Mr. Brown?
MB : oh ... yes
Pr. : I'm out of milk (susu sudah habis). Do you have any?
MB : I'm sorry. I only have a little
I only have a little milk = I don't have much milk.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XVII kita akan lebih mengenal pemakaian kata 'have'. Berikut percakapan di Kantor Imigrasi.
Lk.1 : Do you have a British Pasport?
Lk.2 : No, I don't. I have an Australian one
Lk.1 : What about your wife? Has she a British pasport?
Lk.2 : No, She has an Australian pasport too. (too ucapannya sama dengan two)
She adalah kata ganti orang ketiga tunggal, She has. It = kata ganti benda tunggal, It has
She has dark hair
She has fare hair
She has long hair
She has short hairear = telinga
hair = rambut
eye = mata (diucapkan seperti "I"), bisa coklat, hikjau, biru atau kelabu
My husband has brown eyes
My wife has green eyes
arm = lengan
hand = tangan
leg = kaki (diatas pergelangannya)
foot = kaki (dibawah pergelangannya), jamaknya berbentuk feet, seperti man menjadi men.
Dimulai dari bagian atas (at the top)
Touch your hair!, Now, touch your left ear!, Now, touch your right eye!, Now, Touch your left foot!, Now, touch your right leg!
This is A Police Message
1. The Police's looking for the man aaa ... the namae of John Green
2. He's about thirty five and comes from London
3. He has short black hair and grey eyes
4. He's tall and has very large hand (untuk melukiskan orang yang besar badannya)
5. He has a car Numbe CFJ 397
6. If you see this man, please phone the police on 2292762
Seorang ibu kehilangan 2 (dua) orang anaknya di sebuah toko dan berbicara kepada manajer toko..
Pr. : My children? I lost my children
Lk. : Where?
Pr. : Here! It was shock
Lk. : Right, how many children?
Pr. L Two, aboy and agirl
Lk. : And how old are they?
Pr. : The boy's eleven, and the girl's twelve
Lk. : What're their names?
Pr. : The boy called John, and the girl called Pet
Lk. : What're they like?
Pr. : Like?
Lk. : What colour hair they have?
Pr. : Brown. They have brown hair.
Lk. : Eyes
Pr, : They have blue eyes. The girl has glasses
Lk. : What did they have on?
Pr. : ehm?
Lk. : Do they have the coats on?
Pr. : No, they don't. The girl has a yellow dress
Lk. : Right, and the boy?
Pr. : The boy has a blue shirt on and grey trousers
Lk. : Thank you, wait here, and we'll look for your children

Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Pr. : There  two green one
Lk. : This ................ a large ..................This one?
Pr. : Yes, that is
Lk. : There two blue one?
Pr. : Yes, that's all
Lk. : Are you here for a long time
large = big  = besar
little = small = kecil
Ada berapa buah kopor mereka  yang mereka bawa :
1. a little white one
2. two green one
3. a big brown one = a large brown one
4. two blue one
Lk. : Which are your cases?
Pr. : Our/my cases are the large one
Seseorang ingin mendapat informasi tentang tempat tinggal sebuah keluarga.
Lk. : Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live hear?
Pr. : Yes, they do
Lk. : Which is their bell?
Pr. : The top one (yang sebelah atas)
Percakapan tersebut akan berubah bila bertanya kepada 1 orang :
Lk. : Does Mr. Brown live here?
Pr. : Yes, he does
Lk. : Which is his bell?
Pr. : That's one. The bottom one.
Lk. : Thank you


Dalam Pembelajaran XIV ini kita akan menyebutkan waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris. Contoh :
9 (Nine) o'clock (jam 9), 5 (five) o'clock (jam 5), 11 (eleven) o'clock (jam 11), 08.30 = half past eight, 04.30 = half past four, 01.30 = half past one, 03.15 = quarter past three, 10.15 = quarter past ten, 02.15 = quarter past two, 05.10 = ten past five, 08.20 = twenty past eight, 09.05 = five past nine, 02.10 = ten past two, 07.10 = ten past seven, 07.05 = five past seven., 04.05 = five past four, 08.05 = five past eight, 06.20 = twenty past six, 05.20 = twenty past five, 04.45 = quarter to five, 08.45 = quarter to  nine
quarter past three = 03.15, past berarti sesudah/lebih
quarter to three = 02.45, to berarti sebelum/kurang
07.55 = five to eight = 5 menit sebelum jam delapan atau jam delapan kurang 5 menit.
03.50 = ten to four = 10 menit sebelum jam empat atau jam empat kurang 10 menit
06.55 = five to seven = 5 menit sebelum jam tujuh atau jam tujuhb kurang 5 menit
11.55 = five to twelve = 5 menit sebelum jam duabelas atau jam dua belas kurang 5 menit
12.55 = five to one = 5 menit sebelum jam satu atau jam satu kurang 5 menit
05.50 = ten to six = 10 menit sebelum jam enam atau jam enam kurang 10 menit
03.50 = ten to four = 10 menit sebelum jam empat atau jam empat kurang 10 menit
07.40 = twenty to eight = 20 menit sebelum jam delapan atau jam delapan kurang  20 menit
01.40 = twenty to two = 20 menit sebelum jam dua atau jam dua kurang 20 menit
Percakapan di stasiun kereta api (train station)
Lk. : Ticket, please
Pr. : here you are!
Lk. : Thank you

Pr.? : When does this train leave? (leave = berangkat, meninggalkan)
Lk.  : At twenty five to three

Does, kata kerja bantu ini menunjukkan pertanyaan tersebut sedang ditanyakan sekarang

When does the train leave?
When does the plane leave?
leave harus dibedakan dengan live yang berarti tinggal/bertempat tinggal
Berikut percakapan dalam kereta :
Lk. : Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : When does this train arrive? (arrive = tiba, datang sampai tujuan)
Pr. : at ten past five
Di toko (a shop) seseorang mengetuk pintu toko
Lk. : Hello, hello
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : I need some cigarretes. When does this shop open?
Pr. : At ten to nine
Lk. : Oh, dear
Close X Open
When does the train arrive? It arrives at ten to four
Kereta api berangkat jam 9 lewat 10 menit. It leaves at ten past nine
When does the train leave? At ten to twelve. It leaves at ten to twelve.
When does the train arrive? At twenty past one. It arrives at twenty past one.
When does the shop open? At ten past nine. It opens at ten past nine.
When does the train leave? At quarter to six. It leaves at quarter to six.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XIII ini pada dasarnya kita akan meninggalkan bentuk kalimat dengan kata kerja to be,  seperti untuk orang I tunggal (saya) I menjadi I'm, untuk orang I jamak (kita/kami) we menjadi we're, untuk orang II (kamu) You menjadi You're, untuk orang III (dia) He menjadi He's, She menjadi She's. It menjadi It's, They menjadi They're. Dalam kalimat tanya hal tersebut dapat menjadi : Am I, Is he, Is she, Is it, Are we, Are you, Are they. Sedangkan bentuk negatifnya adalah I'm not, He isn't, She isn't, It isn't, dst.
Selanjutnya untuk memberi instruksi pada orang lain kita cenderung langsung ke kata kerjanya saja! atau perintah dalam bentuk negatif dengan kata kerja bantu Do (Don't).
Stop! (pada pengatur lalu lintas : red = merah, berarti berhenti), Wait! (orange = oranye, berarti menunggu pergantian hijau ke merah atau persiapan berhenti) Go! (green = hijau, berarti pergi/berangkat/jalan), .
Look! (lihat), Guess! (terka)
Sleep! Don't talk!
Don;t talk! (diam, jangan bicara)
Don't push! (jangan dorong) Pull! (tarik)
Seorang pria di kota yang belum kenal/hafal betul tentang tempat-tempat di kota tersebut, cenderung bertanya.
Lk. : Excuse me.
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Where is the station?
Pr. : Go along this road!
Lk. : Right!
Pr. : Then, turn left!
Lk. : Okey!
Pr. : The station is on your right.
Contoh percakapan lagi memahami instruksi yang ia terima :
Lk. Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Where is the Park Hotel?
Pr. :  Go along this road
Lk. : Right (betul saya mengerti atau baik)
Pr. : Turn right at the end! (Belok kanan pada ujung jalan ini)
Lk. : Okey
Pr. : Then turn left. The hotel is on the right
Lk.  Thanks very much (kata thanks tidak formal singkatan dari kata thank you)
Contoh percakapan lagi (gambarkan dengan peta)
Lk. : Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Where is the station?
Pr. : Go along this road. Then, turn right at the end
Lk. : Okey
Pr. : Then turn right again
Lk. : Okey
Pr. : The station is on the left
Lk. : Thanks very nuch
Contoh lagi :
Lk. : Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Where's the Park Hotel?
Pr. : Go along this road
Lk. : Okey. Then turn right at the end
Pr. : No, don't turn right! Turn left! The hotel is on the right
Lk. : Thanks very much!
Contoh lagi :
Lk.1 : Excuse me
Lk.2 : Yes
Lk.1 : Where's the post office?
Lk.2 : Go along this road
Lk.1 : Right
Lk.2 : Then turn right at the end
Lk.1 : Oley
Lk.2 : The post office is on that road. It;s on the left
Lk.1 : Thanks very much