Kamis, 07 Juli 2011


Dalam Pembelajaran XXXIV ini kita akan membahas pengertian Black Rod.
Peristiwa di waktu lampau ketika Parlemen Inggris sedang bersidang (sidang tengah berlangsung), Peserta sidang  diharuskan mengetuk pintu 3 kali sebelum dipersilahkan masuk, karena bisa mengganggu jalannya sidang parlemen. Mengapa mereka melakukannya?
Black Rod agalah pejabat yang diperlakukan kasar atau tidak sopan. Black = hitam, rod = bilah. dimasjdkan bilah hitam yang dibawa pria itu.
What';s going to happen? = apa yang akan terjadi?
Pr. : Well., John, What's going to happen?
Lk. : Black rod is going to walk to the door.
Pr. : ehm
Lk. : The MP are going to close the door. The MP = The Members of Parliement
Pr. : Right
Lk. : Then. He's going to knock
Pr. : To knock?
Lk. : Yes, he's going to wait,  and then the MP are  going to open the door.
Walk berbeda dengan kata work.
I'm going to phone Sue
I'm going to buy a car.
Tata cara sewaktu sidang berlangsung.
Black rod is walking along the corridor.
He's walking to the door. Now, the MP are closing the door. Black rod is knocking. He's knocking three times. He's waiting. Now, the MP are opening the door.
Dalam berita sore di radio :
Black rod walked along the corridor. The MP closed the door of the house. Black rod knocked three times. He waited and the MP opened the door to him.
Black rod is going to walk.
Black rod is walking
Black rod walked (dibaca+deh),
knocked (dibaca+deh)
opened (ibaca +deh)
closed (dibaca +deh)
waited (dibaca +it)
wanted (dibaca +it)
painted (dibaca +it)
needed (dibaca +it)