dalam Pembelajaran Ke-96 ini kita akan sama-sama belajar istilah Inggris dengan kata "goose". Goose dimaksudkan sebagai binatang besar berbulu putih, berleher indah, dan sering disebut sebagai "Angsa".
Goose (gu:s) adalah bentuk tunggal, sedangkan geese (gi:s) adalah bentuk jamak. Menurut kamus Collins Cobuild, A goose is a large bird with a long neck and webbed feet. Atau dengan kata lain, Angsa adalah sebangsa burung besar yang berleher panjang dan berselaput diantara jari-jari kakinya (bandingkan dengan "Duck").
Istilah yang dimaksud berhubungan dengan kata memasak atau "cook" (kuk). Bentuk lampau atau "past" maupun "past perfet"-nya adalah "cooked" (kukd).
Berikut ini arti secara harfiah :
I cooked his goose = Saya memasak angsanya
He's cooked his gooese = Ia telah memasak angsanya
I've cooked her goose = Saya telah memasak angsanya
She's cooked her goose = Ia telah memasaka angsanya
Istilah yang muncul dari kata cook dan goose adalah sebagai berikut :
I've cooked his goose = saya telah berbuat sesuatu yang merintangi orang tersebut melaksanakan rencananya, atau saya telah menggagalkan (membuat kesalahan terhadap) pelaksanaan rencananya.
Istilah ini bermula dari cerita jaman dahulu, yakni penduduk suatu kota pernah mengecimuskan atau mengejek serdadu/tentara yang lemah dengan menggantungkan angsa-angsa tersebut, dan serdadu/tentara (komandannya) membalas dengan berjanji akan memasak (menembak, membakar) angsa-angsa tersebut.
cook someone's goose = memasak angsa seseorang
kalau anda punya mitra yang berharap promosi, padahal ia pernah menjelek-jelekkan pimpinan anda, dan anda kemudian mencegah seseorang (ia) untuk melaksanakan rencananya (promosi), maka anda akan bilang : I've cooked his goose.
Sumber Pembelajaran : "Queston Time", by : Agus Suyono, and Yen, from BBC World Service Seksi Indonesia, March 17, 1992.
Rabu, 20 Juni 2012
Selasa, 19 Juni 2012
In the fourteenth century = Diabad ke-14
Perth mengatakan, "I don't take in the fourteenth century.
Ketika itu orang-orang Muslim masih menguasai wilayah yang kini menjadi Spanyol dan Portugal. Baik, kita teruskan cerita ini. Perth dan Jerry mengendarai mobil melalui Spanyol dan Perancis. Dan selanjutnya mereka naik ferry menuju Inggris. ketika berda di atas ferry Perth sempat termenung saja. Jerry bertanya, "what's the matter, Perth? Perth ternyata mengenal "perjalanan mereka" (their trip). menurut Perth, Perth menyayangkan perjalannya yang telah berlalu. lalu, tiba-tiba Perth melihat pantai Inggris, The White Cliffs of Dover (Karang Putih Cliffs of Dover). Ya, pelabuhan Dover yang mereka tuju. Anda mungkin ingat ada lagu yang berjudul "The White Cliffs of Dover, dan Jerry hafal kata-kata atau syairnya.
Lk. (Jr.) : Perth, what's the matter?
Prp (Perth) : Nothing
Lk. (Jr.) : What are you trhinking?
Prp (Perth) : about the trip?
Lk. (Jr.) : So am I
Prp (Perth) : Oh, Jerry, the last three months. Of course, it's quickly
Lk (Jr.) : What do you believe we've been to seventeen countries.
Prp (Perth) : how many?
Lk (Jr) : seventeen
Prp (Perth) : That's amazing. That realize with some money. Oh, here you are!
Lk (Jr.) : what?
Prp (Perth) : The White Grace of Dover, see!
Lk (Jr.) : oh, yes.
There'll be blue bird's over
Come on, I'm singing a song. That's bad
Prp (Perth) : No, of course not, your sounds lovely
Lk (Jr) : It'll be nice to be hope you know. It's been a long way
Pemandangan karang putih membuat Perth menangis, Perth : it's breadthicking (sangat mengagumkan).
Yes, she (Perth) said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking, Jerry mengingatkan pada Perth : You said you wanted a toem like The Taj Mahal. (a toem = makam)
"I loved", she said she loved
"I hated", she said she hated
"I'm thirsty", she said she was thirsty
"I don't want to stay in that hotel", she said she didn't want to stay in that hotel
Begitulah contoh-contoh kalimat tak langsung
Conversation about AL Hambra -- sebuah taman itana
Lk (Jr) : So, what do you think?
Prp (Perth) : What about?
Lk (Jr) : Your Hambra, of course?
Prp (Perth) : Oh, it's breadthicking. It's the most beautiful Palace I ever seen (Palace = istana)
Lk (Jr) : You said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking
Prp (Perth) : oh, ho .............
Lk (Jr) : yes, yousaid you wanted a toem like the Taj Mahal
Prp (perth) : so I did
Lk (Jr) : solo
Prp (Perth) you're right, It does like The taj Mahal. maybe to correct by the mosque in the fourteenth century
Lk (Jr) : a mosque?
Prp : ehm
From North Africa
Sumber pembelajaran : The Long Way Home (Lesson Number 32), BBC English, February 21, 1995
Perth mengatakan, "I don't take in the fourteenth century.
Ketika itu orang-orang Muslim masih menguasai wilayah yang kini menjadi Spanyol dan Portugal. Baik, kita teruskan cerita ini. Perth dan Jerry mengendarai mobil melalui Spanyol dan Perancis. Dan selanjutnya mereka naik ferry menuju Inggris. ketika berda di atas ferry Perth sempat termenung saja. Jerry bertanya, "what's the matter, Perth? Perth ternyata mengenal "perjalanan mereka" (their trip). menurut Perth, Perth menyayangkan perjalannya yang telah berlalu. lalu, tiba-tiba Perth melihat pantai Inggris, The White Cliffs of Dover (Karang Putih Cliffs of Dover). Ya, pelabuhan Dover yang mereka tuju. Anda mungkin ingat ada lagu yang berjudul "The White Cliffs of Dover, dan Jerry hafal kata-kata atau syairnya.
Lk. (Jr.) : Perth, what's the matter?
Prp (Perth) : Nothing
Lk. (Jr.) : What are you trhinking?
Prp (Perth) : about the trip?
Lk. (Jr.) : So am I
Prp (Perth) : Oh, Jerry, the last three months. Of course, it's quickly
Lk (Jr.) : What do you believe we've been to seventeen countries.
Prp (Perth) : how many?
Lk (Jr) : seventeen
Prp (Perth) : That's amazing. That realize with some money. Oh, here you are!
Lk (Jr.) : what?
Prp (Perth) : The White Grace of Dover, see!
Lk (Jr.) : oh, yes.
There'll be blue bird's over
Come on, I'm singing a song. That's bad
Prp (Perth) : No, of course not, your sounds lovely
Lk (Jr) : It'll be nice to be hope you know. It's been a long way
Pemandangan karang putih membuat Perth menangis, Perth : it's breadthicking (sangat mengagumkan).
Yes, she (Perth) said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking, Jerry mengingatkan pada Perth : You said you wanted a toem like The Taj Mahal. (a toem = makam)
"I loved", she said she loved
"I hated", she said she hated
"I'm thirsty", she said she was thirsty
"I don't want to stay in that hotel", she said she didn't want to stay in that hotel
Begitulah contoh-contoh kalimat tak langsung
Conversation about AL Hambra -- sebuah taman itana
Lk (Jr) : So, what do you think?
Prp (Perth) : What about?
Lk (Jr) : Your Hambra, of course?
Prp (Perth) : Oh, it's breadthicking. It's the most beautiful Palace I ever seen (Palace = istana)
Lk (Jr) : You said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking
Prp (Perth) : oh, ho .............
Lk (Jr) : yes, yousaid you wanted a toem like the Taj Mahal
Prp (perth) : so I did
Lk (Jr) : solo
Prp (Perth) you're right, It does like The taj Mahal. maybe to correct by the mosque in the fourteenth century
Lk (Jr) : a mosque?
Prp : ehm
From North Africa
Senin, 18 Juni 2012
Listen.listeners, to that telephone conversation again.
Lk.1 (JM) : Perth, can you turn the radio off ? I'm sorry, in the garage !
Lk.2 (Perth) : Hallo!
Lk.1 (JM) : Hallo, Mr. Perth. This is Jerry Mokrov. I'm sorry about the jeep!
Lk.2 (Perth) : I'm afraid. This not ready yet, Mr. Mokrov.
Lk.1 (JM) : Not ready yet? It's no problem.And we have to change the old oil and oil filter.I'm sorry, it's a bad like
Lk.2 (Perth) : Could you say that again?
Lk.1 (JM) : We have to change them
Lk.2 (perth) : So, when will the jeep be ready?
Lk.1 (JM) : Man, soon. I think.
Lk.2 (Perth) : Soon? What you mean exactly?
Lk.1 (JM) : Perhaps this evening, or maybe tomorrow morning
Okey, I'll phone you again later!
Lk. : In a moment you'll hear about a visit to a restaurant in Marroko, but fist let's hear what English sounds like to Marroko and in the little base about the country. Abduraheem Vokar lune us that Marroko is closed to Spain.
How long does it take to Silva?
I think about Marroko is that
If you think about the geogrphic position of Marroko in relation to Europe., it's not that far. I mean that he's crossing from Spain to Tanzia. It takes about one hour and fifteen minutes
the most interesting and impressing things about Marroko.
It's very closed to Europe. It takes one hour and fifteen minutes from Tanzia to Spain, but even more Marroko is geograhically closed to Europe. It is very different both culturally and historically
and the historically when you'd do actually get tomorrow could you find that?
It's so different culturally
It's so different hitorically, and not just that
You find that there (Amerika) is a great cultural dibasity.
Noone part is like another that's all journey
Dipasiy means that it is very various/varied
Different types of culture, types of society, custome. So more. Noone part is like another
Let's listen,again,Abdul Raheem's telling us about Marroko
The jeep's ready the following up the new
so we continue our journey to Algeria, to Tanzia,, Marroko; so we met La Paulia and her husband, Abdul Raheeem.
We all went to local restaurant in Hada, and had a wonderful Lord African dish, "KUSKUS".
Prp. : that was alovely meal
Lk. : have some more
Prp : oh. no, thanks. I couldn't.
I love KUSKUS, but I'm full
Lk. : me too. I couldn't eat another thing, so you?
Surely, you came manage it bit. Well, then.
Prp. : have you ask patansa about the weekend yet, Abdul?
Lk. : oh, no, not yet. We're going to visit our friends, instead we should you might like to come with us
Prp : Yes, please do come
Prp2 : Do we come, oh, what a pity! we'd like to, but I'm afraid we're going to Spain un the morning
What a same garage
oh, that's a same
Never mind, never mind, but promise, you'll come to Marroko next time
We promise
We're going to
Cara yang sopan (polite way) menyatakan/meminta sesuatu, contoh :
We'd like to, but I'm afraid. That's very kind, but I'm afraid I can't
I'm sorry about the jeep
I'm sorry that's a bad lunch
Could you say that again?
have some more
No, thanks. I couldn'ty eat another thing
oh, what a pity
thanks very much for the invitation
that's very kind, but I'm afraid I can't
be just one. well, there'll be just one
Abdul ordered dish more soon
He said : Have some more
Notice how we said now, but in a polite way, I said : No, thanks, I couldn't eat another thing
Now, Abdul ................................ to the city first for the weekend
We're going to visit some friends and
we ..... you might like to come with us
again, we have too say now, but in a very polite way
Jerry saidf : we'd like to, but I'm afraid
we're getting the ferry to Spain in the morning
We'd like to, but I'm afraid
we're getting the ferry to Spain in the morning
That's a way an invitation in and invitation in a polite way
how last can you make a polite refuse, Jerry?
Lk. : that's very kind, but I'm afraid I can't. In the moment, Jerry will ask you to refuse an invitation to lunch
I ask another people what they would say in a station
Suppose that someone invite you to lunch, but you're busy that day
What did you say to refuse politely?
Prp : losten to the answers!
Prp : I'm very sorry!
Lk : Right.Let's hear that again.
Prp : I'd say thanks very much to the invitation. I'd love to come, but can we make it another day, please?
Prp : Thank you so much for asking me. I'm sorry, I'm busy. Unfortunately, I've got something else plan awfully
Prp : I'm very sorry, but ain't to unfortunate circumstances. I'm afraid I have to cancel it now awfull
Prp : I'm so sorry, I'm busy
Suppose that someone invite you to lunch, but you're busy that day
What did you say to refuse politely?
Ask you that question. Answer him in apose
Right, let's listen again to the invitation and the refuse in a restaurant.
Now you have a chance to hear some of the language from today's program again!
I'm sorry about the jeep
I'm sorry it's about lunch
Could you say that again?
have some more
No, thanks, I couldn't eat another thing
oh, what apity
Thanks very much to the invitation, that's very kind, but I'm afraid I can't
Prp : Well, that's all for today
Lk : We'd like to stay longer, but I'm afraid we can't
Prp : Find out more about our trip by joining us next time
Lk : When will be we going to Spain? Goodbye
Prp : Good bye!
Simber Pembelajaran : The Long Way Home (Lesson Number 31), BBC English, February 18, 1995
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
Selasa pagi, 12 Juni 2012, di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul, dilaksanakan Upacara Penutupan TNI Manunggal Membangun Desa (TMMD) Ke-88 Tahap I Tahun 2012 Sengkuyung, dipusatkan di Lapangan Dusun Gumawang, Desa Putat, Kecamatan Patuk. Bertindak selaku Inspektur Upacara adalah Bupati Gunungkidul--Badingah, S.Sos..
Dalam laporan pelaksananaan TMMD dimaksud yang dibacakan oleh Dansatgas TMMD Sengkuyung telah teralisasi semua sasaran/kegiatan baik fisik maupun non-fisik sesuai dengan rencana, bahkan pada sasaran fisik melampaui target yang ditetapkan (over prestasi). Sasaran fisik sesuai rencana meliputi : cor rabat beton jalan panjang 750 m. dan lebar (70 cm. x 2), pembangunan Pos Kamling 1 unit, rehab masjid 1 unit; dengan over prestasi, yaitu cor blok jalan panjang 250 m. dan lebar (70 cm. x 2), serta pemasangan gorong-gorong 1 unit. Sekitar 179 orang terlibat setiap harinya dalam pelaksanaan sasaran fisik tersebut, termasuk dari masyarakat setempat 60 orang per hari dan dari Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) 5 orang per hari. Realisasi sasaran fisik senilai Rp. 212.000.000,- (Dua ratus dua belas juta rupiah) bila dihitung secara keproyekan (diborongkan), tetapi karena ini dikerjakan oleh TMMD dapat menghemat Rp. 95.000.000,- (Sembilan puluh lima juta rupiah) berupa material maupun tenaga. Dalam kegiatan TMMD ini karena medan yang cukup terjal, berbagai kendala di lapangan dijumpai di lapangan, terutama dalam hal penyediaan material di pucuk-pucuk bukit untuk pembangunan jalan. Sehingga kendaraan roda 2 banyak dipergunakan untuk melangsir (memindahkan) semen-semen yang ada di bawah.
Berbagai bantuan non-keuangan juga telah diterima oleh kegiatan ini, yaitu : dari BPPMD Prov. DIY (toolkit), Kodim 0730/Gk. (6 tangki air), Dinas Sosial Prov. DIY (beras 800 kg.), Bank BPD Cabang Wonosari (1 unit TV, 8 meter karpet), juga partisipasi tokoh masyarakat maupun masyarakat umum setempat. Sebelum TMMD dbuka tanggal 23 Mei 2012, juga telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya dengan Pra TMMD dari tanggal 30 April sampai dengan 22 Mei 2012. Dalam kegiatan non- fisik juga telah dilaksanakan penyuluhan/pembinaan dari berbagai sektor baik yang dilaksanakan oleh Kodim 0730/Gk,, Polres Gk., lembaga/organisasi terkait, maupun SKPD terkait; termasuk kegiatan sosial Donor Darah dan Cek Golongan Darah dari PMI Gunungkidul.
Dalam rangkaian Upacara tersebut juga diadakan penyerahan kembali alat kerja secara simbolis dari TNI maupun masyarakat kepada Bupati, dan juga serah terima hasil kegiatan TMMD. Dengan telah selesai dan diserahkan hasil kegiatan TMMD ini, diharapkan masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan, sekaligus memelihara, bahkan meningkatkan hasil yang telah dicapai tersebut. Selesai Upacara, dilanjutkan kunjungan Bupati beserta MUSPIDA mengunjungi hasil kegiatan/sasaran fisik dan ramah-tamah di Balai Desa Putat.
Kegiatan TMMD Sengkuyung tersebut di wilayah Provinsi DIY disamping dilaksanakan di desa Putat (Patuk, Gunungkidul), juga desa Kalirejo (Kokap, Kulonprogo), desa Bangunjiwo (Kasihan, Bantul), serta kelurahan Wirobrajan (Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta); sedangkan TMMD Reguler dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. Manfaat TMMD bagi masyarakat pada hakekatnya adalah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat; sedangkan bagi personil TNI disamping lebih mengenal teritorial/kewilayahan, juga dalam rangka meningkatkan kepekaan dan kepedulian sosial melalui komunikasi sosial yang dijalin dengan warga masyarakat. Melalui TMMD, kita dapat membangun solidaritas antar warga masyarakat dengan aparat, dalam rangka tetap menjaga keberadaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).
Gunungkidul, 13 Juni 2012 (MW).
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