Perth mengatakan, "I don't take in the fourteenth century.
Ketika itu orang-orang Muslim masih menguasai wilayah yang kini menjadi Spanyol dan Portugal. Baik, kita teruskan cerita ini. Perth dan Jerry mengendarai mobil melalui Spanyol dan Perancis. Dan selanjutnya mereka naik ferry menuju Inggris. ketika berda di atas ferry Perth sempat termenung saja. Jerry bertanya, "what's the matter, Perth? Perth ternyata mengenal "perjalanan mereka" (their trip). menurut Perth, Perth menyayangkan perjalannya yang telah berlalu. lalu, tiba-tiba Perth melihat pantai Inggris, The White Cliffs of Dover (Karang Putih Cliffs of Dover). Ya, pelabuhan Dover yang mereka tuju. Anda mungkin ingat ada lagu yang berjudul "The White Cliffs of Dover, dan Jerry hafal kata-kata atau syairnya.
Lk. (Jr.) : Perth, what's the matter?
Prp (Perth) : Nothing
Lk. (Jr.) : What are you trhinking?
Prp (Perth) : about the trip?
Lk. (Jr.) : So am I
Prp (Perth) : Oh, Jerry, the last three months. Of course, it's quickly
Lk (Jr.) : What do you believe we've been to seventeen countries.
Prp (Perth) : how many?
Lk (Jr) : seventeen
Prp (Perth) : That's amazing. That realize with some money. Oh, here you are!
Lk (Jr.) : what?
Prp (Perth) : The White Grace of Dover, see!
Lk (Jr.) : oh, yes.
There'll be blue bird's over
Come on, I'm singing a song. That's bad
Prp (Perth) : No, of course not, your sounds lovely
Lk (Jr) : It'll be nice to be hope you know. It's been a long way
Pemandangan karang putih membuat Perth menangis, Perth : it's breadthicking (sangat mengagumkan).
Yes, she (Perth) said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking, Jerry mengingatkan pada Perth : You said you wanted a toem like The Taj Mahal. (a toem = makam)
"I loved", she said she loved
"I hated", she said she hated
"I'm thirsty", she said she was thirsty
"I don't want to stay in that hotel", she said she didn't want to stay in that hotel
Begitulah contoh-contoh kalimat tak langsung
Conversation about AL Hambra -- sebuah taman itana
Lk (Jr) : So, what do you think?
Prp (Perth) : What about?
Lk (Jr) : Your Hambra, of course?
Prp (Perth) : Oh, it's breadthicking. It's the most beautiful Palace I ever seen (Palace = istana)
Lk (Jr) : You said the Taj Mahal was breadthicking
Prp (Perth) : oh, ho .............
Lk (Jr) : yes, yousaid you wanted a toem like the Taj Mahal
Prp (perth) : so I did
Lk (Jr) : solo
Prp (Perth) you're right, It does like The taj Mahal. maybe to correct by the mosque in the fourteenth century
Lk (Jr) : a mosque?
Prp : ehm
From North Africa
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