Selasa, 15 Mei 2012


Dalam Pembelajara Ke-91 ini kita akan sama-sama belajar membahas Bahasa Bisnis tentang cara memberikan instruksi.
x : First, put your hands under your arms
y : what next?
x : next, steak your elbows out (Tonjolkan siku tangan anda keluar)
y : and then?
x : then, move your arms up and down! (kepakkan sayap (tangan) - mu (seperti ayam) ke atas dan ke bawah.
What'll we do first?

Coinversation :
Rita  : OK, What do I do?
Heri : First, switch the fotocopy on! Next, open the lid. Then, put your document on the glass. eh, these are face down.
Rita : What next?
Heri : Next, press the button for the paper size you want
Rita : Okey
Heri : Then, press the button for the number of fotocopy
Rita : Oh, it'[s very easy and so fast.

Saran-saran (Tips) memberikan instruksi :
- Change use of the same languages
- Press the button, then
- Press the switch
It's easier to understand
Orang Birma (Burme) : When you're giving instruction, don't go too fast, repeat complicated instruction!.
Orang Thailand (Thai) : Write instruction in a simple note

Sumber Pembelajaran : Bahasa Bisnis, oleh Iwan Sudirwan, siaran 15 Januari 2012 dari BBC World Service Seksi Indonesia 

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