Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Pr. : There  two green one
Lk. : This ................ a large ..................This one?
Pr. : Yes, that is
Lk. : There two blue one?
Pr. : Yes, that's all
Lk. : Are you here for a long time
large = big  = besar
little = small = kecil
Ada berapa buah kopor mereka  yang mereka bawa :
1. a little white one
2. two green one
3. a big brown one = a large brown one
4. two blue one
Lk. : Which are your cases?
Pr. : Our/my cases are the large one
Seseorang ingin mendapat informasi tentang tempat tinggal sebuah keluarga.
Lk. : Excuse me
Pr. : Yes
Lk. : Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live hear?
Pr. : Yes, they do
Lk. : Which is their bell?
Pr. : The top one (yang sebelah atas)
Percakapan tersebut akan berubah bila bertanya kepada 1 orang :
Lk. : Does Mr. Brown live here?
Pr. : Yes, he does
Lk. : Which is his bell?
Pr. : That's one. The bottom one.
Lk. : Thank you

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