Kamis, 12 Mei 2011


I eat dengan I'm eating, I read dengan I'm reading..
Berikut percakapan tentang pekerjaan seseorang.
Pr. : What do you do?
Lk. : I'm a pilot (seorang penerbang)
What do you do? berbeda dengan How do you do? Yang pertama menanyaakn tentang profesi/pekerjaan, sedangkan yang kedua dipakai untuk memperkenalkan diri atau kita diperkenalkan oleh orang lain.
Pr. : What do you do?
Lk. I fly plane

Lk. : What do you do?
Pr. : I'm a teacher, or I teach in a school
Berbagai profesi/pekerjaan, yakni : a singer (seorang penyanyi), a driver (seorang sopir), a taxi driver (seorang sopir taksi)
write diucapkan sama dengan right, a writter = seorang penulis, I'm a writer, I write books, I'm a cleaner, I clean offices
Seorang sopir taksi menceritakan sedikit tentang kehidupannya.
I'm a driver. Idrive a taxi in London. I work from one o'clock in thje afternoon to ten in the evening.
It's three o'clock, I'm driving to London Airport.
It's four o'clock, I'm driving along Oxford Street
It's five o'clock, I'm driving a woman to the Virginia Station
It's six o'clock. Now, I'm waiting at the Ritz Hotel
It's seven o'clock. I'm driving a man to the theatre.
I drive, berarti saya selalu/sering mengemudi.
I read a lot (pada waktu senggang). Saat ini, I'm reading the paper. Dia merokok, John (he) smokes. Saat ini kita melihat John's smoking
I'm a driver. I drive a taxi. I'm not driving at now. I'm cleaning my car (it).
Hobi : watching birds /melihat burung
Seekor burung bertengger di atas pohon
Lk. : There it is
Pr. : It's very small
Lk. : Yes
Pr. : And it isn't singing
Lk. : oh, it doesn't sing in the day. It sings at night (menunjukkan apa yang selalu/ajeg terjadi)
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night X in the day
Don't forget to follow Pembelajaran XXIII

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